Šerbedžija and Tadić - July's musical treat


Two top professionals whom we do not need to present especially will once again join forces and provide magic of the joint appearance to the audience of Šibenik on the fortress of St Michael this year on July 13th.  

The friendship and business cooperation of Rade Šerbedžija, one of our best actors, poets and musicians and grandmaster on the guitar, Miroslav Tadić, has resulted in remarkable concert shows and two albums: “Imam pjesmu za tebe” („I have a song for you“) and “Ponekad dolazim, ponekad odlazim” („Sometimes I come, sometimes I go“), and their performance in concert hall Vatroslav Lisinski was also recorded on DVD.  

Versatile artist who gained the world fame with roles in numerous Hollywood hit films and a guitar virtuoso cherish their cooperation for years, on their shows they transform their own interpretation and emotions with a lot of passion and they lead the audience on an unexpected journey through the evergreen hits.

The fortress of St Michael, cultural-historical monument and an attraction, also a leading concert space in Dalmatia, will be an ideal backdrop for a magical evening that Rade Šerbedžija and Miroslav Tadić are preparing for us on this mentioned date, July 13th.  

You can buy the tickets per price of 120 kn through the Eventim system (, Tisak kiosks and Petrol gas stations) and from next week as well on cash registers of fortresses of St Michael and Barone.

We are looking forward to another mutual season of evening events!

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Dear visitors,

The St. Michael's Fortress and Barone Fortress are open according to the following schedule:

Thank you for your understanding!



Dragi posjetitelji,

Tvrđava sv. Mihovila i Tvrđava Barone otvorene su prema sljedećem rasporedu: 

- u petak 26. srpnja Tvrđava sv. Mihovila otvorena je do 19 sati

- u subotu 27. srpnja Tvrđava Barone otvorena je do 19 sati

- u nedjelju 28. srpnja Tvrđava sv. Mihovila otvorena je do 13 sati


Hvala na razumijevanju!