EU Projects

Fortress of culture Šibenik is constantly working on designing, applying and implementing of heritage projects. Through realization of projects financed by European funds, the institution develops multilateral partnerships with related institutions and organizations at European level with the aim of exchanging knowledge and best practices in revitalization, preservation and sustainable management of cultural heritage.


Project title / acronym: Network for Green and Inclusive Fortified Tourism Solutions / GIFTSnet HR-BA-ME00047  

Programme: Interreg VI-A IPA Programme Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro 2021-2027 (1st Call for Proposals) 

Priority Axis: Priority axis 4 -  Sustainable and inclusive tourism and culture  

Lead partner: Public cultural Institution Fortress of Culture Šibenik 

Partners: City of Banja Luka, Museum of Herzegovina in Trebinje, City of Karlovac, Municipality of Bar, Municipality of Ulcinj 

Project start and end date: 15.9.2024 – 15.3.2027 

Project duration: 30 months 

Project worth: 2.244.442,80 EUR 

EU co-financing: 1.907.776,38 EUR (85%) 

Lead partner budget: 775.547,40 EUR 

Project aim: 

GIFTSnet will enhance sustainable and inclusive cultural tourism development in the programme area by implementing green, sustainable and nature-based investments in 9 cultural tourism sites in Šibenik, Karlovac, Banja Luka, Trebinje, Bar and Ulcinj, by developing socially inclusive place-based tourism offer on sites, and by building capacities of cross border stakeholders for sustainable economic, social and environmentally friendly development of cultural tourism in the programme area. 

Project results: 

  • Investments in 7 localities in the program area: 1 in Šibenik, 2 in Trebinje and one each in Karlovac, Banja Luka, Bar and Ulcinj 
  • Cross-border network of cultural tourism stakeholders in the program area established by the end of the project 
  • "Night of Fortresses Goes Green" initiative launched - international cultural manifestation Night of Fortresses becomes a platform for promoting green standards and encouraging public awareness of the principles of sustainable development. 

This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of PCI Fortress of Culture Šibenik and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union. 


Project title: From remains Of the war to the aRchiTecture of peace in cross-border area of Italy-Croatia

Acronym: FORTIC ITHR0200123

ProgrammeInterreg Italy – Croatia 2021-2027 (1st Call for Proposals)

Programme priority and specific objective: 4 – Culture and tourism for sustainable development, SO 4.1 - Enhancing the role of culture and sustainable tourism in economic development, social inclusion and social innovation

Lead partner: City of Pula (HR)

Partners: Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, PCI Fortress of Culture Šibenik, CA' FOSCARI University of Venice, Municipality of Cervia, Municipality of Vieste, Town of Korčula

Project start and end date: April 1st 2024 – September 30th 2026

Project duration: 30 months

Project overall value: 2.135.773,60 EUR

Programme co-financing (rate): 1.708.618,88 EUR (80%)

PP3 – Fortress of Culture Šibenik budget: 247.318,60 EUR

Project overall objective:

Strengthening the role of Adriatic cross-border cultural heritage and recognizing business models of fortifications, in order to promote a sustainable tourism with respect to innovative digital solutions and new inclusive social models which will guarantee development of common territory adjusted to the needs of vulnerable groups and of the "heritage community".



Sustainable fortifications for seniors learning hub

Project title: Sustainable fortifications for seniors learning hub 

Acronym: Sustain4Seniors Hub

Programme: Erasmus+

Action type: Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Coordinator: Public Institution Fortress of Culture Šibenik

Partners: Asociatia Mioritics (Romania/Costanta), Viešoji įstaiga Kauno tvirtovės parkas (Lithuania/Kaunas)

Project duration: 11 months (January 1st 2024 - November 30th 2024)

Grant awarded: 60.000,00 EUR



Project main objective is to support upskilling, learning, networking, exchange of good practices and development of new ides among cultural heritage managers on the topics of sustainable, socially inclusive and green management of fortified sites with special focus on developing new programmes and activities that would increase participation and engagement of adult visitors (seniors), to support their inclusion and help raise their awareness on the links between cultural heritage and sustainability, greening, waste reduction elimination and re-use.

Expected outcomes and project results will promote fortifications as innovative learning spaces in local communities, fostering environmental awareness and civic participation of elderly citizens in cultural heritage sites.



Project will contribute to long-term development of partner organisations and their staff with:

  • new programme/activity that each partner will continue to implement on site after project end in cooperation with local stakeholder groups
  • increased know-how of staff members that will be used in implementation of programmes/activities
  • ownership over a joint base of ideas for programmes/activities partner can use in future development of sites -promoting them into innovative local learning centers.

ERASMUS+ PROJECT PAGE: Sustainable fortifications for seniors learning hub


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Sustainable Islands - Small European islands mobilized for sustainability development of their territory

Project title: Sustainable Islands - Small European islands mobilized for sustainability development of their territory

Programme: Erasmus +

Action type: Simplified partnership in adult education

Coordinator: SMILO – Small Islands Organisation

Partners: Abbey of Lérins, island of Saint-Honorat (FRA),Fortress of Culture Šibenik, Croatian Coral Center of Zlarin (CRO), Mausund Grendelag, Mausund islands (NO), Chimica Verde Bionet, Capraia island (IT), Parc naturel régional du Golfe du Morbihan, Ilur island (FRA)

Project duration: 24 months (15th January  2024 – 14th January 2026)

Project worth: 92.498,00 EUR

EU co-financing: 60.000,00 EUR (80%)

Fortress of Culture budget: 20.752,00 EUR (EU co-financing 11.076, EUR)



The general objective of the project is to meet the needs for exchanges and strengthening the technical expertise of managers of small European islands in terms of sustainable territorial planning and adaptation to climate change.



Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


Project title / acronym: Historical Fortresses Intensifying cross-border Tourism Development / FORTITUDE HR-BA-ME355

ProgrammeInterreg IPA Cross border cooperation HR-BA-ME 2014-2020 (2nd Call for Proposals)

Priority Axis: Priority Axis 3 – Contributing to the development of tourism and preserving cultural and natural heritage

Lead partner: Public Institution Fortress of Culture Šibenik

Partners: City of Banja Luka (BIH), City of Karlovac (HRV), Municipality of Bar (MNE)

Project start and end date: March 1st 2020 - August 31st 2022

Project duration: 30 months

Project worth: 1.618.438,72 EUR

EU co-financing: 1.375.672, 89 EUR (85%)

Lead partner budget: 640.115,40 EUR



Development of tourism offer and improvement of attraction of fortified sites in the programme area by creating and promoting new tourism offer and products through:

  • organization of 1 joint event (The Night of Fortresses) which will be held annually on all partner locations
  • design of visitor centers
  • development of tourist routs that promote cultural heritage
  • organization of workshops that pass on the knowledge and experience in cultural management and discuss best practices in the programme area
  • education for visitor centers workers (foreign language courses, tourist guide courses)



The Lead partner, Public Cultural Institution Fortress of Culture Šibenik (HR), is responsible for organising capacity building – cultural tourism and heritage management training workshops for partners and stakeholders from the Programme area working in this field. The partner is also in charge of coordinating partners and ensuring effective implementation of activities.

Project partner 2, City of Banja Luka (BA) and project partner 3, Municipality of Bar (ME) are responsible for the coordination of capacity building activities within their respective countries.

Project partner 4, City of Karlovac (HR) is in charge of developing a joint cultural heritage application as a new tourism product which will be used and implemented by all five partners at digital kiosks on their sites.


The project is co-financed by ERDF and IPA II funds of the European Union.

This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of PCI Fortress of Culture Šibenik and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

Logo Interreg IPA CBC
Logo of Interreg - IPA CBC programme

Project title: EMOUNDERGROUNDS - EMOtional technologies for the cultural heritage valorization   within cross border UNDERGROUNDS

Programme: Interreg V-B Adriatic - lonian ADRION Programme 2014 – 2020

Lead partner: Municipalty of Nardo (ITA)

Partners: Municipalty of Carpi (ITA), Municipalty of Andravida–Kyllini (GRC), Rijeka Tourist Board (HRV), Public Institution in Culture Fortress of Culture Šibenik (HRV), The Regional Development Centre Koper (SVN), Municipalty of Ivančna Gorica, Slovenija (SVN),  Municipalty of Kukes (ALB), Tourism Organization Municipalty of Bar (MNE), Trebinje Development Agency (BIH)

Project start and end date: January 1st 2020 - December 31st 2022

Project duration: 36 months

Project worth: 2.599.994,86 EUR (ERDF & IPA II contribution 2.209.995,59 EUR)

PI Fortress of Culture budget: 321.907,53 EUR (own funds: 48.286,86 EUR)



Increasement of attractiveness and competitivness of the programme area with a goal to strenghten socio-economic sustainable growth of the macro Adriatic region by promoting new integrated cultural tourism product based on advanced emotional technologies and innovative marketing tools through:

  • development of action plan of smart management of chosen tourist destination in the region with list of neccessary activities for enhancing the tourist experience
  • purchase of technologically advanced equipment for virtual reality (headphones and Wireless Monitoring system)
  • scientific research and analysis of identified cultural heritage and their interiors
  • production of digital and virtual contents - storytelling in VR technology 
  • cultural - literary live stream festival

For more info visit

Logo Emoundergrounds
Connecting Cinemas in Rural Areas


Preparatory action: Cinemas as Innovation Hubs for Local Communities (European Commision)

Lead partner: Neue Kammerspiele (Germany)

Partners: Public Institution Fortress of Culture Šibenik (Croatia), Public Art Lab (Germany), Amza Pellea Cinema (Rumania), Cinema Star (Greece), M2C (Germany), Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands) and KEA European Affairs (Belgium).

Project duration: 18 months

Project worth: 611.455,00 EUR (80% in the amount of 489.164,00 EUR is co-funded by European Commision)

Budget of PI Fortress of Culture Šibenik: 72.440,00 EUR

Project partners will work together through 4 cinemas, 3 cultural centers, 3 universities and 3 festivals to connect European audiences by developing quality programs and organizing cultural events and simultaneous cinema screenings that will provide a new experience of watching films and connect audience from different European regions.

They will develop a new forms of storytelling, initiate discussions on burning issues such as climate changes, social inclusion and migration from different perspectives, strengthen awareness of the diversity of European cultures, share knowledge about digital technologies and build new audiences.

The project will finance a salary of one employee of the Fortress of Culture in the amount of 50%, along with the film program of the House of Arts as a natural continuation of the film screening program of the Fortress of Culture.


St. Michael's Fortress visitors have a free and fast Internet access since July 2020. The equipment was set up thanks to the resources procured from the European Commission's WiFi4EU initiative, which provides high-quality and free Internet access for citizens and visitors via Wi-Fi access points in public areas such as parks, squares, administration offices, libraries, and such throughout the European Union.


More info at:

WiFi4EU visual

From January 1 2020, Fortress of Culture Šibenik participates in the Šibenik - Zero Waste City project. Project leader is Youth association Youth in the EU, with City of Šibenik and the utility company Zeleni grad d.o.o. as partners. Through a series of volunteer activities, educational workshops and the procurement of solutions for the collection and reduction of plastic waste disposal in the environment, the goal is to raise awareness of Šibenik citizens, with a focus on young people about the importance of environmental protection.

In addition to these activities, during the project, citizens will be informed about the benefits of recycling household waste, which encourages the reuse of old products to produce new products. This saves resources while reducing air and environmental pollution.

Šibenik Zero Waste City is fully funded by The Coca-Cola Foundation and lasts until December 31th 2021.

Logo Šibenik ZWC
Fortress ReInvented

Project title: Fortress ReInvented – Innovative approach and digital contents in historical fortification monuments

Programme: Interreg IPA Cross border cooperation HR-BA-ME 2014-2020 (1st Call for Proposals)

Lead partner: Šibenik City Museum (HRV)

Partners: Municipality of Klis (HRV), Municipality of Herceg Novi (MNE), Public Institution City Museum of Zenica (BIH)

Project start and end date: July 1st 2017 – December 31st 2019

Project duration: 30 months

Project worth: 1.310.232,40 EUR

Lead partner budget: 771.795,50 EUR (own funds: 115.769.33 EUR)



Contribute to increasement of sustainabilty and enhancment of tourist offer by using cultural heritage for touristic purposes via:

  • development of digital contents on four partner fortresses (3D mapping in St. Michael's Fortress water tanks; Fortress Reality Window - live stream between all four fortresses; Info Point - promotion of fortresses in partner destination; interactive audio-guide)
  • workshops on the use of innovative technology in heritage interpretation designed for workers in culture and tourism sector; passing on the knowledge and experience in cultural management
Kanli Kula, Herceg Novi, Crna Gora
Kanli Kula, Herceg Novi, Crna Gora
Tvrdava Klis, Klis, Hrvatska
Tvrdava Klis, Klis, Hrvatska
Tvrđava Sv. Mihovila, Šibenik, Hrvatska
Tvrđava Sv. Mihovila, Šibenik, Hrvatska
Vranduk kula, Zenica, BiH
Vranduk kula, Zenica, BiH
KREativna ŠIbenska Mreža Integriranog kulturnog Razvoja – KREŠIMIR

Project title: KREativna ŠIbenska Mreža Integriranog kulturnog Razvoja – KREŠIMIR

Project acronym: KREŠIMIR

Funding: European Social Fund

Operational Programme Efficient Human Resources 2014 - 2020

Project worth: 737.252,18 HRK; EU funding 626.664,35 HRK

Location: Šibenik

User: Public Institution Fortress of Culture Šibenik

Level 1 Mediator: Ministry of Culture Republic of Croatia

Level 2 Mediator: National Fondation for Civil Society Development

Partners: Grad Šibenik, Šibenska udruga mladih Š.U.M, Udruga mladih „Mladi u Europskoj uniji“ i Feniks

Project start and end date: October 29th 2018 – October 29th 2019

Project duration: 12 months

Vera Jergović Bolanča
Promotion Assistent



  • Developing good governance within the Šibenik city culture through strengthening the capacities of local cultural stakeholders for participatory management.
  • Intensifying cooperation and networking between public and civil cultural sector by establishing a local creative network for integrated cultural development (KREŠIMIR network).



  • gather and educate stakeholders in culture
  • promote partnership between civil and public cultural sector
  • enable inclusion of civil society organizations in the process of creating cultural policies in local community
  • increase citizens access to culture and art programes



  • employes/members of partner organizations
  • employes of PI Fortress of Culture and City of Šibenik
  • members of local civil organizations
  • local cultural stakeholders


The main problems project resolves

  • insufficiently developed cooperation between civil and public cultural sector in Šibenik
  • underdeveloped capacities of stakeholders for participatory management.



Element: Development of cooperation and networking in the field of participatory management in culture

  • Educating cultural stakeholders within the city of Šibenik
  • Researching the needs of stakeholders in the city of Šibenik
  • Designing Action Plan for development of participatory cultural management in city of Šibenik
  • Study visit to Pogon - Zagreb Centre for Independent Culture and Youth
  • KREŠIMIR network open doors day
  • Creating network KREŠIMIR Practical Guide

Element: Visibility

  • KREŠIMIR network web site design
  • Development of promotional materials and tools
  • Project promotion

Element:  Project management


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