23. July / 22:30h

Šibenski Dance Festival - Pinot Noir/Bolero

Two dance performances, "Pinot Noir" and "Bolero" in one night, at the top of the town - Barone Fortress.

Pinot noir

Start: 22:30 h

Choreography and performance: Laja Field, Martin Durov, Fizički plesni teatar Laja Martin, SAD/EU

A show bursting with strong emotions and dynamic movements defined by music and rhythm. An amazing combination of various dance and art elements. A show after which no one can remain indifferent.



Start: 23:00 h

Choreography: Andonis Foniadakis, Hrvatsko narodno kazalište Ivana pl. Zajc, Rijeka

Dancers: Ksenija Durán Krutova, Emanuel Amuchástegui, Ali Tabbouch, Michele Pastorini i Laura Orlić


A work dedicated to modern dance choreography’s great man, Maurice Béjart. A performance that should make the public feel the pulsating movement and music. Only then will they be able to retake the power which will let them enter a state of trance.

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Dear visitors,

The St. Michael's Fortress and Barone Fortress are open according to the following schedule:

Thank you for your understanding!



Dragi posjetitelji,

Tvrđava sv. Mihovila i Tvrđava Barone otvorene su prema sljedećem rasporedu: 

- u petak 26. srpnja Tvrđava sv. Mihovila otvorena je do 19 sati

- u subotu 27. srpnja Tvrđava Barone otvorena je do 19 sati

- u nedjelju 28. srpnja Tvrđava sv. Mihovila otvorena je do 13 sati


Hvala na razumijevanju!