21. July / 21:00h

Shash Couture Fashion show

The presentation of unique brand's new art line Infusion 


An exclusive announcing event of the ninth edition of Sibenik Dance Festival (SDF) combined design and freedom of the movement. 

The dancers brought each design into the forefront and showcase the art piece it contains. With clear art direction of Sasha Sasic,  dancer Ivona Grubisic created a choreography to free the visitors and make them rethink their conception of an art experience.


Shash, a fashion brand from Madrid, developed by the dancer and choreographer - Sasha Sasic (Saša Šašić), in its core originates from the art of dance. So it is only natural for the  brand new art collaboration with the artist Madlena Dasic to be presented through an exquisite dance performance on this years SDF.

After a successful collaboration on the brands most recent line - Modesty, Shash and Madlena decided to push things a bit further by infusing the art into the core look, with paintings being visible on the fronts of each piece, making each and every one of the designs a art piece in its own right.

The runway presentation itself, of the new line Infusion, is actually a much more. Developed as an “Museum of appreciation for fashion design,  fine arts and dance”, it changes ones experience by freeing two things which are always suppressed in a museum - movement and sound. It introduces music and dance into the museum, making the exhibition suddenly come to life. 

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The St. Michael's Fortress and Barone Fortress are open according to the following schedule:

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Tvrđava sv. Mihovila i Tvrđava Barone otvorene su prema sljedećem rasporedu: 

- u petak 26. srpnja Tvrđava sv. Mihovila otvorena je do 19 sati

- u subotu 27. srpnja Tvrđava Barone otvorena je do 19 sati

- u nedjelju 28. srpnja Tvrđava sv. Mihovila otvorena je do 13 sati


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