18. July / 20:00h

Kanal 4: Darko Kustura

Darko Kustura is a DJ and a producer from Zadar, who has already featured numerous interesting releases. We've had the opportunity of hearing him perform at Deboto Festival, while he didn't skip any other Croatian stages either.

He first attracted attention in 2015, when he released an EP Peninsula, the best example of the program to be performed at Barone Fortress. His soulful sound coupled with the sunset will surely delight all those present within the walls of the fortress.

Darko Kustura


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Dear visitors,

The St. Michael's Fortress and Barone Fortress are open according to the following schedule:

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Dragi posjetitelji,

Tvrđava sv. Mihovila i Tvrđava Barone otvorene su prema sljedećem rasporedu: 

- u petak 26. srpnja Tvrđava sv. Mihovila otvorena je do 19 sati

- u subotu 27. srpnja Tvrđava Barone otvorena je do 19 sati

- u nedjelju 28. srpnja Tvrđava sv. Mihovila otvorena je do 13 sati


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